Wildlife Removal in Dallas: First Steps

by | Aug 21, 2012 | Pest Control

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Hear something scratching in the walls or ceiling? Worried about all the bats you see flying away from your house at dusk? Smell the familiar smell of a skunk? Even in cities like Dallas, wildlife removal is a full time job. There are many animals that have adapted to city life and make their homes in you attic, under the roof, in voids in walls or floors, and in your garage. Here are the first steps to take if you suspect that you need wildlife removal.

Identify the Infestation

If you think something is living where it you didn’t invite it in, start by trying to identify just what it is. For some animals, like opossums, you may not need a wildlife removal service. Opossums are clumsy, shy creatures that are nocturnal and transient. If you don’t leave out pet food or other treats for them, they should quickly move on.

But if you smell a skunk for a few nights in a row, you probably have a bigger problem. Skunks may be the easiest wildlife to identify, but they are one of the hardest to get rid of. Trapping is a terrible idea unless you are professional wildlife remover. A skunk will spray like crazy whether you trap it alive or dead.

Other animals, like mice, rats, squirrels, and raccoons, may take up residence in a cozy spot that you’ve left unprotected. Raccoons are especially adept at ruining eaves and crawling into dark cozy spaces so they can have little families. Pigeons are also very good at making themselves at home, building nests just about anywhere they can hide from predators like hawks.

Common Problems and the Easiest Solutions

Some wildlife removal needs are serious. If you have a rattlesnake trapped or hiding in your kitchen, you don’t want to handle the problem yourself and you certainly don’t want to wait to deal with it. Other problems can be destructive, like bats living in your shingles. Of course, the sound of small rodents crawling around in your walls is not exactly comforting, either. Many people call wildlife removal services for these kinds of problems, because a professional can usually do the job much more quickly and efficiently than the average Dallas resident.

However, there may be some things you can do to avoid pest infestations in the first place. Make sure that there are no easy entry holes and spaces in your roof or garage. Secure your trash so that raccoons or opossums cannot dig around and find snacks. And always deal with any problems as soon as you suspect that you need wildlife removal.

For any  wildlife removal  jobs in Dallas, TX, consider contacting Critter Control, the wildlife removal professionals that you can count on to deal with all types of vermin.

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