Why Lawn Fertilization In Denton, TX, Is Essential

by | Dec 7, 2022 | Lawn Care Service

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Lawn fertilization in Denton, TX, is an essential component of lawn care. It improves the health and growth of grass, which can benefit your property in many ways.

Improve Lawn Health

Lawn fertilization can improve the health of your lawn. When you fertilize and condition your lawn, you give it the nutrients it needs to grow. Your grass can resist insect damage better and withstand drought conditions more easily. When you’re using fertilizer and soil conditioner, there are several things you can do to improve the health of your grass:

  • Fertilize early in spring when temperatures are still cool before new growth begins
  • Apply fertilizer according to label directions, which vary depending on the type

Grass Requires Specific Nutrients

You need to purchase fertilizer for your lawn. These products contain the nutrients that grass needs to thrive, including nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Nitrogen is the most critical nutrient for grass growth.

If you are still deciding which lawn fertilizer to buy or how much to use on your lawn, talk with a professional landscaper who can assess your needs based on the type of grass currently growing there.

Grow Thicker and Greener

Lawn fertilization is an essential part of maintaining a healthy lawn. It helps grass grow thicker and greener, which makes it more resistant to disease and damage. Fertilizing twice a year—once in spring and once in fall—is recommended for optimal results.

If you need help with lawn fertilization in Denton, TX, visit the Sergeant Green Grass to learn more.

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