What To Do With Your Old Appliances In Dana Point CA

by | Jan 4, 2013 | Appliances

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Many times you may have reason to get beautiful new appliances even though the ones you have in your kitchen work relatively well. Maybe you do not like the size or need some features that were not available when you bought the original set. You may even be redecorating and do not like the way the old appliances in Dana Point CA mix with your new décor either because they are the wrong color or the wrong style. If the situation is such that you need to get rid of your still-working appliances, you can of course have them thrown away. There are a lot of appliance stores that will take care of disposal and this can be a big help because some localities have very strict requirements as to how appliances are disposed of, especially refrigerators because they can sometimes have dangerous chemicals in them that should not be released into the environment. So that is definitely something that might be something you want.

However, if you are more interested in keeping your appliances in Dana Point CA out of the landfill and in making sure they get used if they still have useful life in them, you do have a few other options.

First of all, you could try selling them inexpensively to someone in your area. There are quite a few free classified services available on-line that will allow you to post an ad, saying that you have appliances to sell. This way, you might be able to give them to a low-income family who either does not have working appliances or whose appliances are so sold and inefficient that they really need new ones. Of course, if you choose to take this option, make sure you use all standard safety precautions and do not invite strangers to come to your home to look at your appliances in Dana Point CA, especially if you are alone when they are supposed to come.

Another option is to donate them to a discount store that takes donations. This might mean taking them over to the store yourself or it is possible they may be able to send a truck if you make arrangements with them. This way, those who need low-cost appliances will be able to get yours. They might even be cleaned up and refurbished if necessary. Or, you can donate them directly to an organization that furnishes homes for low-income family.


No matter what you decide to do with your appliances in Dana Point CA, if you can make sure someone less fortunate has access to them, it will certainly be a comfort. It is very possible that you can speak with your appliances in Dana Point CA salesman and he may also have some suggestions of groups they have worked with in the past.

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