One Termite in Orange County is One Too Many

by | Apr 29, 2014 | Pest Control

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If you suspect that there are termites inside your home, immediately Contact Southern California Exterminators. Termite have stumbled upon your home and have simply begun chewing on the wood. This can be devastating to your home if you procrastinate calling in professionals to help you get rid of them. Just the thought of these little creatures being inside or under your home is mind boggling. Companies that exterminate today use products that won’t harm you, your children or your pets.

They work closely with clients to make sure once the home has been treated not even one Termite in Orange County, California will be left for you to deal with. If more come back, the company will treat them again so that your home is not destroyed. Considering whether prices are affordable or not must be thought of in the proper perspective. Paying an affordable fee to have the termites removed is definitely the answer to the problem. If eliminating the termites is put off, repairing or purchasing a new home will be next on the list.

Termites are not the only pests that pest control companies deal with. Many homes have rodent infestations, bats, flies, spiders, scorpions, hornets, wasps, Africanized bees, honey bees, bed bugs, roaches, and all kinds of ants. The treatments for each type of insect can be different than for the next type. Companies not only treat the inside of the home, but they will treat the outside and get rid of hornets that have made a huge nest on a post outside the home or a large ant hill on the property with ants making a trip to your home for dinner.

Your pest control company is also going to give you advice on how to keep rodents and bugs from getting into the home by caulking and sealing any place a tiny critter can get inside. Every space is an opening that any insect will take advantage of when trying to get inside the home. Mice can make themselves very flat to slip in to the home without being noticed. Chimneys and attic vents allow all sorts of insects to get inside. If there is one Termite in Orange County, that is one too many. That termite needs to be out in the forest eating dead wood and helping the environment.

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