Mice and Carpenter Ant Exterminator in Minneapolis

by | Jun 6, 2013 | Pest Control

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A professional pest exterminator service is the best way to thoroughly prevent ants. rodents, and bed bugs in your home. A particular kind of ant problem affecting homes is the carpenter ant species. Did you know that carpenter ants can actually be more destructive than termites? Carpenter ants are exactly what their name implies: little carpenters. That means they work with the wood frames used to build our homes and they dig into the wood in order to carve out homes for their ant colonies. A Carpenter Ant Exterminator Minneapolis is prepared to deal with this kind of invasion.

A Carpenter Ant Exterminator Minneapolis will come out to evaluate the problem, and he will point out any evidence he sees of carpenter ants. He may find piles of shaved wood and tell-tale bits of soil near entry points, like sitting on window sills. You may even have winged ants flying down from the ceiling. These are all signs of carpenter ants.

A Carpenter Ant Exterminator Minneapolis can get these pests out of the home in just one treatment. For your safety, there will be very little insecticide that is used inside the home; it will only be applied to obvious ant entry points like small cracks. The majority of the treatment will be around the perimeter of the outside walls. He’ll spray insecticide around the foundation, get it up underneath the siding. Just one treatment can get the ants out of your home and prevent them from coming back to damage the houses’s structure.

Another type of pest that may try to take up residence within your walls is rodents. Rodent Control finds rodents seeking shelter from the cold winter temperatures by making nests inside your wall insulation. They can chew through insulation, drywall, and wiring, including the wiring for your personal electronics. They’ll also sneak into your kitchen at night in search of food. Setting traps is usually ineffective, because homeowners don’t want to handle the mice in the traps, and their pets and children can also get injured by the traps. In the meantime, the mice can contaminate anything they get into. An exterminator can come out the same day and set up a treatment plan that gets rid of the mice and prevents them from entering again.

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