How to Choose the Best Stones for Your Granite Countertops Kansas City

by | Jan 29, 2013 | Home Improvement

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Buying granite countertops can be difficult or easy depending on how much you know about the stones that make them. When you go out to shop for the best cleaning agents to take care of your countertops and keep them sparkling clean, it is important to consider the kind of stone they are made of. Manufacturers of granite countertops in Kansas city use different stones to achieve a variety of countertops to appeal to different consumers.

Natural stone is classified according to composition. Manufacturers therefore use siliceous and or calcareous stones. Siliceous stone is very durable and you can easily clean it with mild acidic cleaning solutions. Siliceous stone such as granite, slate, sandstone, quartzite, brownstone and bluestone are great for the granite countertops you may install in your home.

Calcareous stone is averse to acidic cleaning products. You will have to use different cleaning procedures if you want to clean this stone effectively. Marble, travertine, limestone and onyx are examples of calcareous stone. Cleaning granite countertops Kansas city made of calcareous stone requires that you take more precaution than you would with siliceous stone, as it is very sensitive.

You can therefore know that a stone is siliceous or calcareous by performing an acid sensitivity test. You can use muriatic acid or household vinegar. The acid drops will begin to fizz or bubble vigorously when they are exposed to calcareous granite countertops while there will be little or no reaction on a siliceous stone. For this experiment to be effective, you must ensure that the stones are free of liquid polishes or surface sealers.

When you do this test, ensure you are completely protected from the corrosive action of muriatic acid by wearing proper body and head cover. In addition, choose an inconspicuous part of the stone to apply the acid so that the effects of the acid are not seen.

You can use stones of different finishes for different areas of your home. Polished granite countertops Kansas city reflect light and they emphasize the edgework and color of the material used. This kind of finish is perfect for furniture tops, walls as well as floor tiles.

A honed finish has relatively little light reflection. This finish is great for places where human traffic will cause the polish to wearing off quickly such as stair treads, floors and thresholds. However, you can still use a honed finish on furniture tops or any other surfaces.

You can identify marbles and granite used on granite countertops by the visible particles on the stone’s surface. Granite will have small flecks of its minerals dispersed uniformly. Different stones have different coloring, texture and marking. The choice is now yours regarding the kind of stone you want to use for your countertops.

For more details regarding the kind of material to use on your granite countertops, ask the experts in the field. You can find them if you visit Midwest Marble and Granite.

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