Fast Drying Hand Dryers can Change Your Life

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Many people know that hand dryers are better for the environment than paper towels. Fast drying hand dryers eliminate messy bathrooms, and save money and trees. Why, then, do so many companies still cling to the old ways and stock their bathrooms with paper towels?

The answer is that nobody likes change. Several years ago, some scientific studies were published that said that paper towels were more hygienic than hand dryers because the friction from their use helped to kill and dispose of germs.

Truthfully, though, that study was done on the standard white hand dryer that can be found in every small town fast food restaurant in the United States of America. That dryer is weak, slow, and ineffective. It will only completely dry someone’s hands if they want to stay there waving their hands around until their food is stone cold and their kids have left the building.

When faced with the choice between that dryer and paper towels, obviously it is more efficient to use the paper towels and ignore the environmental consequences. Thankfully, technology has improved to the point that we now have another option, fast drying hand dryers. These new dryers use jet speeds, heat, and UV rays to do what no other dryer has been able to do before: completely and thoroughly dry your hands.

Fast drying hand dryers can completely remove every bit of moisture from the hands, while also eliminating germs. They do this in a matter of seconds, not minutes. This means that you are then free to get back to your day, and to do so without having to wipe your hands on your pants.

These hand dryers will not just please your customers; they will please your employees too. Bathroom cleanup time will be cut in half when your crew doesn’t have to waste time dealing with and disposing of the mess that comes from paper towels. That means your employees will be freed up to spend more of their time happily serving your customers, who will be happily using your services with clean, dry hands.

Don’t wait another moment to install some fast drying hand dryers in the rest room at your business. Start living a life free of paper towel cost and waste. Never again attend a meeting with tell-tale damp marks on the front of your trousers. Fast drying hand dryers are the best way to show your employees, your customers, and the earth that you care.

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