Ways to Prevent Fruit Flies From Your Kitchen

by | Nov 14, 2012 | Pest Control

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That vivid, ripe display of fruit in your kitchen does not just look tasty to you but also, to fruit flies and because these flies are masters at entering the home, it is imperative to learn some basic tips to prevent fruit flies. Throughout the year, fruit flies are known to hover around the home and reproduce, with most adult flies laying more than 100 eggs in just 30 days. Picking up an apple only to discover a group of fruit flies scattering will make the food seem immediately unappealing, but with some simple techniques you can give those pesky critters the old heave-ho!

Prevent Fruit Flies by Disinfecting Problem Areas

Living in your home every day means you will probably know the areas that fruit flies tend to congregate. Because these flies from the Family Drosophilidae love to feed on fermented fruit and vegetables, it is likely that they will gather at indoor compost bins, fruit bowls and any other areas where traces of food are left. Empty tins will also be the perfect breeding ground for fruit flies too, so to prevent fruit flies you should clean these tins and recycle them. Empty your indoor compost bin regularly and disinfect with a strong sanitizer to remove the remnants of rotting food. Use kitchen cleaning products to wipe spills and crumbs from worktops and dinner tables too.

Prevent Fruit Flies by Throwing Out Rotting Food

If you like to constantly load up on fruit and vegetables, there is a high chance that you will discover some over ripened foods from time to time. You should frequently check your fruit and vegetables for signs of rotting because the areas that are rotting will entice fruit flies at a rapid rate. If you feel that the area is small enough to be removed with a knife you can do this, but be sure to cover the fruit to avoid further problems. Foods that are quite fermented should be disposed of in outdoor bins to prevent fruit flies and diarrhea.

Prevent Fruit Flies with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many uses and you may have heard of it for its health properties. Although apple cider vinegar is very good for the body, it is also very appealing for fruit flies. By filling up a wine bottle with apple cider vinegar, you can trick fruit flies into entering the bottle. These flies will be drawn to sweet scents and because they have a strong sense of smell, the majority of flies infesting your home will swarm to the bottle for a sweet treat. Little do they know they will have trouble escaping from the bottle after entering it, proving this to be effective to prevent fruit flies in a hurry.






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