Don’t Let Your Carpeting Smell, Get Pet Stain Removal In Cheyenne WY To Make Your Carpets Clean And Fresh

by | Dec 26, 2014 | Cleaning

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You may not notice the stain or smell from your pets having accidents or dragging dirt into your home because you live with it every day. Your guests, however, probably see and smell the pets as soon as the door opens. Pet Stain Removal Cheyenne WY can remove your pet stains and smells, safely and effectively. This will leave your home clean, fresh and more sanitized than before.

The biggest problem when your pet has an accident on the carpeting is it can destroy your carpet by fading it from the acid in their system. In addition, it seeps down into the backing of the carpeting as well as the padding. If you use a spot cleaner from the store, the smell may disappear for a while until the carpeting becomes wet again or the humidity rises in your home. The smell will then be released back into the air. The spot cleaners you purchase from the store can also have toxic chemicals that could leave you, your family or pets running for fresh air.

Pet Stain Removal Cheyenne WY uses no harsh chemicals to clean the pet stains as well as deodorize your carpets. This eliminates you sprinkling powder onto your carpets that they sell to eliminate pet odors to vacuum them up later. Those types of deodorizers only mask the smell and make you sneeze from the flowery scent. In addition, once you use the spot treatment you purchase in the store and the sprinkle on deodorizers, it becomes even hard to remove the stain and the smell from the carpet.

Don’t use a steam cleaner that squirts chemicals and water onto the carpet because this will only soak the smell and the stain further into the carpeting and padding. The best thing to do is to get Pet Stain Removal Cheyenne WY scheduled to come to your home. If your pet has an accident, use a rag or paper towels to absorb as much of the accident as you can and don’t use anything else on it besides water. Sometimes the chemicals in the store react with the pet stain and destroy the dyes in the carpeting. Don’t let your carpets get ruined from your pets; hire a professional carpet cleaning service today.

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