Why Should I Worry About Duct Cleaning In Armonk NY?

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Ducts are like anything else, if they look dirty they probably are. If you think that duct cleaning in Armonk NY may be beneficial then as a home owner you owe it to yourself and your family to have the air ducts inspected and cleaned.

The primary reasons for air duct cleaning in Armonk NY are to improve the quality of the indoor air and to decrease the energy costs for operating the system.

There are norms in life, some of which are quite mind boggling. A statistic that I find hard to believe, but apparently it’s true is; the average six room home creates 40 pounds of dust per year just through everyday living. You’re heating and cooling system, acting as the lungs of the house breathe that dust in and breathe that dust back out again all year long. Your lungs are then breathing less than perfect air.

This extreme amount of contamination comes from such things as dander off the human body, dust from shoes and clothing, propellant chemicals from spray cans of wax, insecticide etc. The air in a normal home is circulated perhaps 5, 6 or 7 times per day and over time all these air borne contaminates being constantly re-circulated build up in the duct work system. This is just one reason why duct cleaning in Armonk NY is a good idea. Unhealthy air can contribute to health issues over the long run and in some people with respiratory issues; allergies or autoimmune disorders the effects can be quite serious.

The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that between 25 and 40% of the energy used to heat and cool the home is wasted through inefficient distribution. When you consider that about 30% of the energy bill is used for heating and cooling, it does not take long to calculate the annual savings that are possible by having duct cleaning in Armonk NY done regularly, every 2 years is the norm. If the ducts in your home are full of contamination it simply causes your system to work harder than it needs to, not only costing more but shortening the expected life of the system components.

Once you have selected a competent contractor to undertake duct cleaning in Armonk NY, you will be able to witness the process. Most contractors have truck or trailer mounted vacuuming equipment that remains outdoors but many will also have portable vacuums as well. Both systems, as long as they meet NADCA standards are acceptable.

The contractors will open entry points for inspection and cleaning, the holes can be quite small if the object is optical inspection or large if they are used for the introduction of cleaning tools. Regardless, the holes will be made right at the end of the process.

To have your home evaluated and for a free quotation on duct cleaning in Armonk NY call the experts at Duct Dusters. They are fully equipped with over 20 years experience and they can get your home back to health.

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