Elements Of A Roof Design That The Roofing Contractors In Wichita, Kansas Need To Consider For Repair Work

by | Feb 18, 2014 | Roofing

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Protection of a home is a fundamental part of the roof design. But designing a roof isn’t as easy as it sounds. There is a lot of thought that goes into the construction of a roof. While your roof is not something you typically think about unless problems develop, the design of it is really quite interesting in regards to how it protects you.

One of the big design features in the design is the pitch of the roof. The amount of pitch in your roof is simply the angle your roof is at from the bottom to the peak. Different houses often have different roof pitches. You can tell if a roof pitch is very large or non-existent by looking at it. For steeper pitched roofs, more safety gear is required for the Roofing Contractors in Wichita, Kansas because as the angle gets sharper, the roof is harder to walk on. While the pitch is determined when the home is built, a small amount of pitch is necessary to allow the water to flow off of the roof and prevent it from accumulating.

Another part of the design of the roof that is taken into consideration is the overall weight of the roof. While the Roofing Companies in Wichita, Kansas can recommend a number of different materials for roofs, the total weight of the roof is important in ensuring that the supports can hold it up. This is why you don’t see concrete roofs on homes with wooden construction. The weight of the concrete is too heavy for that type of support system.

The style of roof is also a part of the design. There are many different styles to choose from and that will often influence the design of the roof. Many roof styles have been developed to accommodate different styles of homes. For the Roofing Contractors in Wichita, Kansas, the style will determine how to best tackle any repairs that have to be made.

The roof design is an integral part of your home. While the design influences the style of your home and how the repair work is performed, it is still the feature of the home in which the design translates directly to how well it can protect your home from the weather.

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