Ants in the Kitchen? Hire Ant Control Experts in Farmington Hills

by | Jan 3, 2014 | Pest Control

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Ants enter homes looking for water and food. They are particularly attracted to greasy or sweet food. It’s impossible to have just a few ants. Once a few scouts locate a reliable food source, the rest of their colony follows a scent trail that they leave. In no time at all a home can have 300,000 ants looking to feed off the pantry stores. There are many different types of ants and they don’t all respond to the same insecticides. It takes professional Ant Control In Farmington Hills to eradicate the problem.

Homeowners armed with their spray cans only kill the ants that they can see. It’s not too long before more ants leave their hiding places looking for food. When professional exterminators arrive, they treat the kitchen or pantry areas. However, they don’t stop there. They are trained to look for the ant colonies. These can be located in the home’s walls or under the foundation. They can also be outside the home hiding in trees or the grass. Cold weather won’t kill these pests. A queen ant can live as long as 15 years, some of her worker ants can live as long as 7 years.

Expert exterminators from the Pest Masters Company understand these dynamics and the proper insecticides to use. They can track an ant trail and know how to locate their breeding ground. When the queen and the nest is destroyed, the colony won’t be scavenging for food any longer. When they solve an Ant Control In Farmington Hills problem, their results are guaranteed for a year. If the ants return within that time, emergency treatments are provided free of charge. Customers have the option of waiting until they see a problem or they can contract with Pest Masters for ongoing preventative programs.

Parents are often concerned about the impact of insecticides on their children. If the family has pets, they may be afraid that the spraying the yard where the pet plays could harm them. All of the insecticides used are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency and are used according to their standards. Once the application has dried, it’s safe for both children and pets to play in the treated areas.

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