How to Select a Commercial Roofing Contractor in N. Ft. Myers, Florida

by | Oct 10, 2023 | Roofing contractor

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You make your living as the owner of commercial property in a strip center in North Ft. Myers, Florida. You are a very good landlord and keep your properties in good condition. When a tenant complains to you about something that might be broken or in need of repair, you get your crew out there as quickly as possible to both satisfy your tenant and keep your propertied in excellent shape.

You have a good, experienced crew that can handle most every instance of repair work but you know that somethings are far beyond their reach and abilities. When a couple of tenants complain about water dripping from the ceiling that is obviously leaking you get the crew out there to check it out. They come back with a report of which you were fairly certain. The roof is in pretty bad shape and needs to be replaced.

There has been some extensive damages from the worst part of the roof and you realize you will have to make an insurance claim. Therefore, you will need a commercial roofing contractor North Fort Myers, FL. You have heard of a few residential roof contractors but none with experience in insurance claims and none that are large enough to deal with a roof of the size of your property.

Another property owner with whom you acquainted has suggested you speak to the commercial roofing contractor North Fort Myers, FL he used last year to replace the roof of his property in another strip mall. He suggests Eagle Roofing and Restoration. You decide to get in touch immediately.

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